Monday, January 26, 2015

Benefits of Lavender Oil For Hair

Benefits of Lavender Oil

Not only is lavender good for the mind, but its also beneficial for a healthy scalp and hair growth. Because lavender oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, it is helpful for maintaining a health scalp. It can be used to treat dandruff and psoriasis of the scalp. By keeping these scalp conditions at bay, your scalp is able to be rejuvenated. Lavender oil also enhances blood circulation, which will definitely improve the health of your scalp.

High stress levels can lead to many common hair and scalp issues, especially hair loss and alopecia areata. Because lavender oil is naturally helpful in reducing stress, it can be used along with other stress relievers to reduce the risk of hair loss or alopecia arreata. A relaxing scalp massage with lavender oil can help cure insomnia and improve sleep quality, and it relaxes you and helps you get rid of anxiety. This in turn helps control hair loss, as insomnia, stress, depression are among the common and probable causes of this problem. When we get enough sleep and have mental peace, this ensures that hair loss stays in control.

How to incorporate it into your regiment:
Add 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil per 1 oz. of your favorite carrier oil. Massage into the scalp and let it set for 15-60 minutes for shampooing for a great pre-poo treatment that helps with dandruff or itchy scalp. If you keep using it regularly, you will start noticing its benefits within a few weeks or months.

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